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Устанавливает требования для систем промышленных трубопроводов, изготовленных из алюминия и алюминиевых сплавов, в качестве дополнения к общим требованиям, согласно серии стандартов EN 13480 и CEN/TR 13480-7.

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3 Термины, определения, символы и единицы измерения

4 Общие требования

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7 Изготовление и установка

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9 Заключительная оценка и документация

Приложение A (информационное) Допуски размеров

Приложение B (нормативное) Соединительные муфты

Приложение ZA (информационное) Взаимосвязь между этим европейским стандартом и Основными требованиями директивы ЕС 97/23/ЕС


Дата введения01.01.2010
Добавлен в базу01.02.2020


10.12.2009УтвержденГосстандарт Республики Беларусь68
РазработанРУП Стройтехнорм

Metallic industrial piping - Part 8: Additional requirements for aluminium and alumimium alloy piping

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СТБ EN 13480-8-2009


ТРУБОПРОВОДЫ ПРОМЫШЛЕННЫЕ МЕТАЛЛИЧЕСКИЕ. ЧАСТЬ 8. Дополнительные требования к трубам из алюминия и алюминиевого сплава

ТРУБАПРАВОДЫ ПРАМЫСЛОВЫЯ МЕТАЛ1ЧНЫЯ. ЧАСТКА 8. Дадатковыя патрабаванж да труб з алюмЫ1ю i алюмш1евага сплаву

(EN 13480-8:2007, ЮТ)



СТБ EN 13480-8-2009

УДК 621.643.07(083.74)    МКС 23.040.01 КП 03    ЮТ

Ключевые слова: трубопроводы металлические, промышленные, требования к трубам из алюминия и алюминиевого сплава


Цели, основные принципы, положения по государственному регулированию и управлению в области технического нормирования и стандартизации установлены Законом Республики Беларусь «О техническом нормировании и стандартизации».

1    ПОДГОТОВЛЕН ПО УСКОРЕННОЙ ПРОЦЕДУРЕ научно-проектнопроизводственным республиканским унитарным предприятием «Стройтехнорм» (РУП «Стройтехнорм»).

ВНЕСЕН Министерством архитектуры и строительства Республики Беларусь

2    УТВЕРЖДЕН И ВВЕДЕН В ДЕЙСТВИЕ постановлением Госстандарта Республики

Беларусь от    2009    г.    №

В Национальном комплексе технических нормативных правовых актов в области архитектуры и строительства стандарт входит в блок 3.05 «Магистральные и промысловые трубопроводы»

3    Настоящий стандарт идентичен европейскому стандарту EN 13480-8:2007 Metallic industrial piping - Part 8: Additional requirements for aluminium and aluminium alloy piping (Трубопроводы промышленные металлические. Часть 8. Дополнительные требования к трубам из алюминия и алюминиевого сплава)

Европейский стандарт разработан техническим комитетом по стандартизации CEN/TC 267 «Промышленные системы трубопроводов и нефтепроводов» и реализует существенные требования безопасности Директивы ЕС 89/106, приведенные в приложении Z.A к стандарту (гармонизированный с Директивой стандарт).

Перевод с английского языка (еп).

Официальные экземпляры европейского стандарта, на основе которого подготовлен настоящий государственный стандарт, и европейских стандартов, на которые даны ссылки, имеются в Национальном фонде ТИПА.

Степень соответствия - идентичная (ЮТ)


Настоящий стандарт не может быть воспроизведен, тиражирован и распространен в качестве официального издания без разрешения Госстандарта Республики Беларусь

Издан на русском языке

Table 6.5.1 — Special symbols for subclause 6.5





equivalent stress intensity

N/mm2 (MPa)


Maximum allowable pressure

N/mm2 (MPa)

design inside diameter


a See footnote 3 in Table 3.2-1 of EN 13480-3:2002.


y2- e-z



shall be met with regard to internal pressure loading, where with the smaller value of

ri =

tan в

2- tan#

the value B, is found as follows



B    r-0,25•</„

г-6,5 (</ы +e)


Figure 6.5-1 — Mitre bend

6.6 Socket welds

Socket welds may only be used for pipes DN 50 and below.

6.7 Designing with transition joints

6.7.1    Design considerations

The use of transition joints shall be considered during design analysis. Transition joints should be treated as elements within the piping and the designer should consider all the loadings likely to arise under the design conditions.

6.7.2    Location of transition joints

A transition joint shall be positioned so that it does not undergo undue loading effects such as tensile and shear forces or bending and torsional moments. Where appropriate, the transition joint fabricator shall provide allowable loads or criteria for assessing pressure and combined external loads.

In general, positioning transition joints directly against piping elbows shall as far as possible be avoided.

6.7.3    Requirements for transition joints Transition joints shall meet the requirements of Annex B.

7 Fabrication and installation

7.1    General

The requirements of EN 13480-4 shall apply with the following additions/exclusions.

NOTE Reference to EN 14717 may be useful to avoid and reduce the possible environmental impacts of aluminium and aluminium alloy piping.

7.2    Material grouping

Aluminium and aluminium alloy materials and their grouping shall be in accordance with Table 5.2-1 of this European Standard.

7.3    Tolerances

7.3.1 Welded pipes and connection dimensions of pipe fittings

Table 7.3.-1 applies for welded pipes fabricated in accordance with this European Standard. Connection dimensions of pipe fittings (e.g. elbows, tees, reducers) shall comply with Table 7.3-1. Greater values may be acceptable provided they are verified by design calculation.

NOTE 1 For pipe/fltting to flange connection, see Table 9 of EN 1092-4:2002.

NOTE 2 Other tolerances may be applied, if specified by the designer (see 3.1.6 of EN 13480-1:2002).

NOTE 3 For tolerances of material fabncated to other European Standards, see applicable European Standard (e.g. Clause 7 of EN 12392:2000, 5.9 of EN 1092-4:2002).

Table 7.3-1 — Tolerances for welded pipes

Type of tolerance



Mean external diameter


Out of roundness

maximum 1,5% for the ratio e/D < 0,01

EN 13480-4:2002, Equation 7.4.1-1

maximum 1,0 % for the ratio e/D 5 0,01

Wall thickness

As for sheet, strip or plate

EN 485-3; EN 485-4

Out of roundness shall be calculated in accordance with Equation 7.4.1-1 of EN 13480-4:2002.

The determination of the out of roundness need not consider the elastic deformation due to dead-weight of the pipe.

7.3.2 Welded piping construction

5.6 of EN 13480-4:2002 is not applicable for piping in aluminium and aluminium alloys. Guidance for the tolerances of piping spools made of aluminium and aluminium alloys is given in Annex A.

7.4    of EN 13480-4:2002 is applicable for aluminium and aluminium alloys, except 7.4.4 concerning induction forming.

The requirements according to 9.9 of EN 13480-4:2002 shall apply with the following modification for aluminium and aluminium alloys: Replace the reference to EN 25817 with EN ISO 10042.

7.4    Cutting and bevelling

In addition to the requirements of 6.1 of EN 13480-4:2002 the following shall apply for industrial piping of aluminium and aluminium alloys:

Aluminium and its alloys shall be cut to size and shape preferably by machining or by thermal cutting process, e.g. plasma arc cutting, or by a combination of both. Additionally, hydro mechanical methods of edge preparation are acceptable. Flame cutting is not permitted.

For plates of 5 25 mm thickness cold shearing is permissible. Edges that are cut by thermal process or by cold shearing shall be dressed back by machining unless the manufacturer can demonstrate that the material and the weldability has not been adversely affected by the cutting process.

The surface to be welded shall be thoroughly cleaned of aluminium oxide traces and greases by mechanical means or by pickling. Chloride containing detergents are prohibited.

7.5    Bending and other forming

7.5.1    General

The requirements of Clause 7 of EN 13480-4:2002 shall apply with the following additions/exdusions.

7.5.2    Definition of cold- and hot forming

Cold forming of material groups 21 and 22 shall be carried out at temperatures below 200 *C.

Cold and hot forming of material of group 23.1 is not allowed.

Hot forming of aluminium and its alloys shall be carried out in a temperature range of 320 *C to 450 eC. The last stage of the hot forming process shall be completed above 300 X, otherwise a subsequent heat treatment to achieve the О Temper is required.

7.5.3 Heat treatment after cold forming    General

For heat treatment after cold forming the requirements of 7.2 of EN 13480-4:2002 are not applicable for industrial piping of aluminium and aluminium alloys. For aluminium and aluminium alloys the heat treatment shall be carried out as follows:

The heat treatment parameters shall be in accordance with the material specification of the material manufacturer. The general heat treatment parameters shall be:

a)    the heating rate shall be as rapid as possible;

b)    the holding temperature shall be in the range between 320 eC and 380 eC depending on the alloy type;

c)    the holding time at the holding temperature shall be between 10 min and 60 min depending on the ratio of cold forming;

d)    the cooling shall be performed in still air, the cooling rate needs not to be controlled.    Flat products

For aluminium and aluminium alloys heat treatment shall be carried out in accordance with Table 7.5 -1.

Table 7.5-1 — Heat treatment of flat products after cold forming

Material groups according to Table 5.2-1

Ratio of deformation1


Heat treatment






yes*, annealing

22.1b. 22.2b, 22.3b, 22.4b

£ 5 %


22.1b 22.2b, 22.3b, 22.4b


yesc, annealing

3 With levels of cold forming and a ratio of deformation above 15 % for matenals of group 21 or above, if proof can be furnished in specific cases that the residual elongation after rupture after cold forming remains at least 10 %, then in these cases annealing is not required.

b Elongation prior to forming г 14 %.

c With levels of cold forming and a ratio of deformation above 5 % for matenals of group 22 or above, if proof can be furnished In specific cases that the residual elongation after rupture after cold forming remains at least 10 %, then In these cases annealing is not required.

d For Kj (%) for cylinders and cones see 7.13 of EN 13480-4:2002, for V± (%) for dished circular products see 9.2.1 of EN 13445-4:2002. Pipes

For aluminium and aluminium alloys heat treatment shall be carried out in accordance with Table 7.5-2. Table 7.5-2— Heat treatment of pipes after cold forming

Material groups according to Table 5.2-1

Mean bending radius of the pipe


External diameter of the tube


Heat treatment


21.3 A,

all diameters



<1.3 A

all diameters

yes. annealing

22.1*. 22.2*, 22.3*. 22.4*

2 2.5 A

all diameters


22.1*. 22.2*. 22.3*. 22.4*

< 2.5 A

all diameters

yes. annealing

NOTE ford and r„ see Figure 7.2.2-1 of EN 13480-4:2002 • Elongation prior to forming i 14 %.

7.5.4 Heat treatment after hot forming

For heat treatment after hot forming the requirements of 7.3 of EN 13480-4:2002 are not applicable for industrial piping of aluminium and aluminium alloys. For aluminium and aluminium alloys the heat treatment shall be carried out in accordance with Table 7.5-3 and as following:

The heat treatment parameters shall be in accordance with the material specification of the material manufacturer. The general heat treatment parameters shall be:

a)    the heating rate shall be as rapid as possible;

b)    the holding temperature shall be in the range between 320 eC and 380 *C depending on the alloy type;

c)    the holding time at the holding temperature shall be between 10 min and 60 min depending on the ratio of cold forming;

d)    the cooling shall be performed in still air, the cooling rate needs not to be controlled.

Table 7.5-3 — Heat treatment after hot forming

Material groups according to Table 5.2-1

Hot forming conditions

Heat treatment

Heat treatment should be applied if the forming process of the last forming stage is completed at <, 300 *C.

Yes, annealing


No subsequent heat treatment should be applied if the forming process of the last forming stage is completed above 300 *C.


7.6 Welding

7.6.1    Welding personnel

The requirements according to 9.1 of EN 13480-4:2002 shall apply with the following modification for aluminium and aluminium alloys: Replace the reference to EN 287-1 by EN ISO 9606-2.

7.6.2    Welding processes

The requirements according to 9.3 of EN 13480-4:2002 shall apply with the following modification for aluminium and aluminium alloys: Qualification of welding procedure specifications (WPQR).

The requirements according to 9.3.1 of EN 13480-4:2002 shall apply with the following modifications for aluminium and aluminium alloys: Replace reference to EN 288-3 by EN ISO 15614-2.

Furthermore, impact testing is not applicable for piping of aluminium and aluminium alloys, see 5.7 of this European Standard.

Oxy fuel gas welding processes according to EN ISO 4063 are not permitted.

For qualification of welding procedures for EN AW 6061 material, the result of the tensile tests carried out in accordance with EN ISO 15614-2 shall show the following data with T = 1: minimum Rm = 165 MPa; minimum Яро.2= HO MPa.

7.6.3 Weld joint preparation

The weld joint preparation shall be in accordance with the applicable WPS.

Assembly and welding of socket welds shall be in accordance with Figure 7.6.3-1. It is important that the 1.5 mm internal gap is maintained prior to welding to allow for weld shrinkage and the fillet weld leg length shall be 1,25 times the pipe minimum thickness calculated for pressure or 3 mm. whichever is the greater.

Where the size of fillet weld permits, it should be completed in two runs with the stop/start positions of the second run staggered relative to the first.


3 Approximate gap before welding C, (min) ■ 1 Va t but not less than 3 mm

t = Minimum thickness calculated under consideration of the maximum allowable pressure

Figure 7.6.3-1 — Socket welds

7.6.4 Preheating

In addition to the requirements according to 9.11.1 of EN 13480-4:2002, the following shall apply for industrial piping of aluminium and aluminium alloys:

Preheating of aluminium is not required for metallurgical reasons and is therefore not mandatory. Preheating may be applied by the manufacturer for practical reasons, e.g. a heating at about 50 aC may facilitate the elimination of traces of moisture.

For aluminium alloys containing 3,0 % or more magnesium an extended preheating and interpass time at temperatures of 150 eC and above may result in grain boundary precipitation of AJ3-Mg2 disintegration in weld areas.

7.6.5    Backing rings and backing strips

In addition to the requirements according to 9.12 of EN 13480-4:2002, the following shall apply for industrial piping of aluminium and aluminium alloys:

Permanent backing strips shall not be used for longitudinal seams.

Permanent backing rings may be used for circumferential seams in all piping classes only under the following conditions:

a)    non-destructive examination is carried out in accordance with the design/joint efficiency to the same quality and acceptance criteria as a single sided butt weld;

b)    the inside of the piping is not subject to corrosion;

c)    backing ring material shall be of the same aluminium sub group as the piping unless the combination of other backing ring material has been proven by a WPQR according to EN ISO 15614-2.

7.6.6    Post-weld heat treatment (PWHT)

The requirements according to 9.14 of EN 13480-4:2002 are not applicable for industrial piping of for aluminium and aluminium alloys. The following shall apply for aluminium and aluminium alloys:

a)    stress relieving heat treatment is normally not necessary or desirable for welded aluminium piping except there is a risk of stress corrosion due to the operation service. Annealing heat treatment carried out for obtaining the delivery state О is the only usable heat treatment;

b)    for material group 23.1 PWHT is not permitted;

c)    the heat treatment parameters (annealing) shall be in accordance with the material specification of the material manufacturer or those as stated in 7.5.3 of this European Standard.

8 Inspection and testing

8.1    General

The requirements according to EN 13480-5 shall apply with the following additions/exdusions:

8.2    Formed pressure retaining parts

8.2.1    General

7.2.1    of EN 13480-5:2002 shall not apply to aluminium and aluminium alloys.

The requirements for testing and inspection specified below shall apply to all formed parts of aluminium and aluminium alloys fabricated according to this European Standard.

Formed parts, fabricated, tested and inspected according to EN 13445-8 can be used without any further testing and inspection.

NOTE 1 If harmonized European Standards for formed parts (e.g. elbows, tees, reducers, welded pipes) are available and requirements for testing and inspection are specified in these harmonized European Standards, the requirements of the harmonized European Standards apply. At the time this European Standard was prepared, no such harmonized European Standard is available.

NOTE 2 Cold drawn tubes according to EN 754 and extruded tubes according to EN 755 are not considered to be formed parts manufactured under this European Standard. For these tubes, the requirements of EN 754/EN 755 apply.

The tests specified in the European Standards for the base material shall be performed for the base material.

8.2.2    Testing of formed parts

The requirements according to 7.2.4 of EN 13480-5:2002 shall not apply to aluminium and aluminium alloys. The following examinations shall be carried out on formed parts of aluminium and aluminium alloys:

a)    verification of wall thickness,

b)    dimensional check (ovality, angle of bend etc.),

c)    examination for surface imperfection (VT).

8.2.3    Destructive testing of formed and heat treated parts

The requirements according to 7.2.5 of EN 13480-5:2002 shall not apply to aluminium and aluminium alloys.

Testing shall be performed to verify the heat treatment. If heat treatment is not required by Table 7.5-1 and 7.5-2 after cold forming, no mechanical tests are required in respect of forming.

Destructive testing shall be performed for hot formed parts, and cold formed parts with subsequent heat treatment for piping with DN > 25.

One test shall be performed for parts of the same cast, wall thickness range and heat treatment lot. The wall thickness range shall be by ± 20 % of the average wall thickness of the parts. The tests specified in Table 8.2-1 shall be performed.

Table 8.2-1 — Destructive testing of formed and heat treated parts

Size of formed part

Type of test

Testing criteria


DN < 100

Tensile test or

Flattening test *

Tensile strength and elongation after


Tensile strength as for the EN base material standard and elongation after rupture/fracture £ 10 % (see 5.2 of this European Standard)

5.3.6 of

EN 12392:2000

EN 12392:2000, Table 3

DN> 100

Tensile test

Tensile strength and elongation after


Tensile strength as for the EN base material standard and elongation after rupture/fracture £ 10 % (see 5.2 of this European Standard)

• The flattening tests are performed if tensile test specimen cannot be obtained from the formed part. The flattening tests are performed over the full section of the formed part.

8.3    Welding

The requirements according to 7.3.1 of EN 13480-5:2002 shall apply with the following modification for aluminium and aluminium alloys: Replace reference to EN 287-1 and EN 288-2 with references given in 7.6.1 and 7.6.2 in this European Standard.

8.4    Visual and non-destructive testing of welds

8.4.1    Application of NDT

The requirements according to of EN 13480-5:2002 shall apply with the following modification for aluminium and aluminium alloys: The method for surface testing shall be PT.

8.4.2    Circumferential, branch, socket and seal welds

The requirements according to 8.2 of EN 13480*5:2002 shall apply with the following additions/exclusions for aluminium and aluminium alloys:

In 8.2.1 b) of EN 13480-5:2002 replace reference to material groups 1.1,1.2 and 8.1 with material groups 21. 22 and 23.1.

The extent of VT and NDT for circumferential, branch and seal welds shall be in accordance with Table 8.4-1.

Table 8.4-1 — Extent of testing for circumferential, branch, socket and seal welds









Branch welds

Socket welds

Seal welds





Surface testing

Volumetric testing






















































> ON 100





























> DN 50 | > 7




* For weld configurations and dimensions, where UTor RT does not allow a dear assessment, PT shall be carried out

8.4.3 Longitudinal welds and spiral welded tubes/pipes

The requirements according to 8.3 of EN 13480-5:2002 for longitudinal welds shall apply with the following additions/exdusions for aluminium and aluminium alloys:

The extent of VT and NDT for longitudinal welds and spiral welded tubes/pipes shall be in accordance with Table 8.4-2.

For material group 23.1, longitudinal welds and spiral welded tubes/pipes are not permitted.


Настоящий стандарт содержит текст европейского стандарта EN 13480-8:2007 на языке оригинала и его перевод на русский язык (справочное приложение Д.А).


ТРУБОПРОВОДЫ ПРОМЫШЛЕННЫЕ МЕТАЛЛИЧЕСКИЕ. ЧАСТЬ 8. Дополнительные требования к трубам из алюминия и алюминиевого сплава

ТРУБАПРАВОДЫ ПРАМЫСЛОВЫЯ МЕТАЛ1ЧНЫЯ. ЧАСТКА 8. Дадатковыя патрабаванш да труб з алюмЫ1ю i алюмш1евага сплаву

Metallic industrial piping - Part 8:

Additional requirements for aluminium and aluminium alloy piping

Дата введения 2010-01-01

Table 8.4-2 — Extent of VT and NDT for longitudinal welds and spiral welded tubes/pipes

Joint coefficient



RT or UT









0,7 <Z<, 0,85




0.85 <Z£ 1.0




8.5 VT and NDT Methods

The requirements according to 8.4.1 and 8.4.3 of EN 13480-5:2002 shall apply with the following additions/exdusions for aluminium and aluminium alloys: Subclauses 8.4.2 and 8.4.4 shall not apply.

Techniques, methods, acceptance criteria for welds in aluminium and aluminium alloys shall follow the European Standards given in Table 8.5-1 and the notes given in Table 8.5-1.

RT is first preferred for e„ < 8 mm and least preferred ea > 40 mm. For automatic ultrasonic testing of aluminium and aluminium alloys UT is first preferred for e„ 2 4 mm.

1    Scope

This Part of this European Standard specifies requirements for industrial piping systems made of aluminium and aluminium alloys in addition to the general requirements for industrial piping according to the series of standards EN 13480 and CEN/TR 13480-7.

2    Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

EN 485-3, Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Sheet, strip and plate — Part 3: Tolerances on dimensions and form for hot-rolled products

EN 485-4, Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Sheet, strip and plate - Part 4: Tolerances on shape and dimensions for cold-rolled products

EN 571-1:1997, Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing - Part 1: General principles

EN 573-3:2003, Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Chemical composition and form of wrought products — Part 3: Chemical composition

EN 583 (all parts), Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic examination

EN 895:1995, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Transverse tensile test

EN 910:1996, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Bend tests

EN 970:1997, Non-destructive examination of fusion welds — Visual examination

EN 1289:1998, Non-destructive examination of welds - Penetrant testing of welds - Acceptance levels

EN 1321:1996, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Macroscopic and microscopic examination of wolds

EN 1435:1997, Non-destructive examination of welds - Radiographic examination of welded joints

EN 1712:1997, Non-destructive examination of welds - Ultrasonic examination of welded joints - Acceptance levels

EN 1714:1997, Non-destructive examination of welds - Ultrasonic examination of welded joints EN 1779, Non-destructive testing - Leak testing - Criteria for method and technique selection EN 10002 (all parts), Metallic materials - Tensile testing EN 10045-1, Metallic materials - Charpy impact test - Part 1: Test method EN 10204, Metallic products - Types of inspection documents

EN 10246 (all parts), Non-destructive testing of steel tubes

EN 12392:2000, Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Wrought products — Special requirements for products intended for the production of pressure equipment

EN 13445-4:2002, Unfired pressure vessels — Part 4: Fabrication

EN 13445-8, Unfired pressure vessels — Part 8: Additional requirements for pressure vessels of aluminium and aluminium alloys

EN 13480-1:2002, Metallic industrial piping — Part 1: General EN 13480-2:2002, Metallic industrial piping — Part 2: Materials EN 13480-3:2002, Metallic industrial piping — Part 3: Design and calculation EN 13480-4:2002, Metallic industrial piping — Part 4: Fabrication and installation EN 13480-5:2002, Metallic industrial piping — Part 5: Inspection and testing

CENЯR 13480-7, Metallic industrial piping — Part 7: Guidance on the use of conformity assessment procedures

EN ISO 3834-2:2005, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements (ISO 3834-2:2005)

EN ISO 3834-3:2005, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 3: Standard quality requirements (ISO 3834-3:2005)

EN ISO 4063:2000, Welding and allied processes — Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers (ISO 4063:1998)

EN ISO 7438, Metallic materials - Bend test (ISO 7438:2005)

EN ISO 9606-2, Qualification test of welders — Fusion welding — Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys (ISO 9606-2:2004)

EN ISO 10042:2005, Welding - Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its alloys - Quality levels for imperfections (ISO 10042:2005)

CEN 180ЯР 15608:2005, Welding - Guidelines for a metallic materials grouping system (ISO/TR 15608:2005)

EN ISO 15614-2:2005, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure test - Part 2: Arc welding of aluminium and its alloys (ISO 15614-2:2005)

3    Terms, definitions, symbols and units

For the purposes of this document, the terms, definitions, symbols and units of EN 13480:2002 Parts 1 to 5 apply.

4    General requirements

The general requirements of EN 13480-1 shall apply.

5 Materials

5.1    General

The requirements of EN 13480-2 shall apply with the following additions/exclusions:

5.2    Material grouping system

Annex A of EN 13480-2:2002 is not applicable for aluminium and aluminium alloys. The allowable materials for industrial piping of aluminium and aluminium alloys shall be according to Table 5.2-1.

Any product form available in EN 12392:2000 for a material in this table at an acceptable temper is acceptable for construction to this European Standard. Other materials not defined here may be used by agreement by the parties concerned (see 4.3 of EN 13480-2:2002) if they meet the requirements of 5.2 and 5.3 of this standard and a Particular Material Appraisal is produced (see EN 764-4).

Table 5.2-1 — Grouping system based on CEN ISO/TR 15608:2005 and allowable materials of construction based on EN 12392:2000 using the EN AW numbers according to EN 573-3



Type of aluminium and aluminium




EN AW number

Chemical symbol



Pure aluminium with s 1 % Impurities

EN AW-1050A

EN AW-AJ 99.5

O.H111, H112

or alloy content


EN AW-AI 99.7


EN AW-1080A

EN AW-AI 99.8(A)



Non heat treatable aioys


Aluminium-manganese alloys

EN AW - 3003


O.H111, H112

EN AW-3103


О. H111.H112

EN AW-3105

EN AW-AI Mn0.5Mg0.5



Aluminium-magnesium alloys wth Mg

EN AW - 5005

EN AW-AI Mg 1(B)

O.H111, H112

£ 1,5 %

EN AW-5005A

EN AW-AI Mg 1(C)


EN AW - 5050

EN AW-AJ Mg 1.5 (C)



Aluminium-magnesium aioys with

EN AW-5049

EN AW-AI Mg2Mn0.8


1.5 %< MgS 3.5%

EN AW-5052

EN AW-AJ Mg2.5

О. H111.H112

EN AW-5154A

EN AW-AJ Mg3.5(A)

О. H111.H112

EN AW-5251


0. H111.H112

EN AW-5454



EN AW-5754


О. Hill, H112


Aluminium-magnesium aioys with Mg

EN AW-5083

EN AW-AJ Mg4.5Mn0.7



EN AW-5086




Heat treatable alloys


Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloys

EN AW 6060



EN AW 6061


T4b. Тб*

3 for seamless pipes and profiles only b for seamless pipes and flanges only c for flargos only

5.3 Elongation after fracture

Aluminium and aluminium alloys used for parts of industrial piping that are subjected to cold forming shall have a specified minimum elongation after fracture measured on a gauge length

L0 = 5,65 JS,

that is 2 14 % in the longitudinal or transverse direction as defined by the material specification.

Aluminium and aluminium alloys used for parts of industrial piping that are not subjected to cold forming (e.g. straight flanges and nozzles) shall have a specified minimum elongation after fracture measured on a gauge length


that is 2 10 % in the longitudinal or transverse direction as defined by the material specification.

5.4    Chemical composition

The chemical composition shall be in accordance with the material specification. All materials shall have a maximum lead content of 150 pg/g.

NOTE 5.1.3 of EN 12392:2000 recommends a maximum hydrogen level of 0.2 ml per 100 g aluminium, measured in the liquid metal during casting for parts to be welded.

5.5    Lamellar tearing

Specific requirements to avoid lamellar tearing for industrial piping of aluminium and aluminium alloys are not applicable.

NOTE Specific requirements apply to steel (see EN 1011-2) whereas in EN 1011-4 no requirement is given because lamellar tearing is not a recognized phenomenon.

5.6 Design temperature and properties

NOTE See also 4.2.2 of EN 13480-2:2002.

The 2nd paragraph of of EN 13480-2:2002 is not applicable for aluminium and aluminium alloys.

The maximum design temperature shall not exceed that defined in Table 1 of EN 12392:2000 as the maximum working temperature. For material of group 22.4 the maximum design temperature is 75 eC (200 *C for non-corrosive service).

The mechanical properties used for design shall be taken from the tabulated values in EN 12392 at room temperature for Reflo/R®-» and at the highest design temperature for R«*.

For welded parts and heat treated parts after forming only the values equivalent to the О temper shall be used for design when 6 000 series flanges, etc. are welded. These values are not quoted in EN 12392 and so the tabulated values for f shown in Table 6.2-2 shall be used for design. The weld area shall be based on the О temper but the flange strength away from the weld (2t) may be based on the actual temper (T4 or T6).

For aluminium and aluminium alloys values of 0,2 % proof stress (or 1 % proof stress for material group 21-1 000 series aluminium) for temperatures above 20 *C shall be established by linear interpolation between two adjacent values in EN 12392 except that for alloys 5083 and 5086 the respective value at 50 °C may be used for 65 eC.

For material of group 22.4: For short periods, higher temperatures are permitted (e.g. when defrosting refrigerating plant) up to 150 eC are permissible provided that the pressure is reduced to half the working pressure for a period up to 8 h and to atmospheric pressure for a period up to 24 h.

5.7    Prevention of brittle fracture

Annex В of EN 13480-2:2002 is not applicable. All materials of Table 5.2-1 are suitable for any minimum metal temperature without impact testing.

NOTE See also EN 1252-1 and 8.4 of EN 12392:2000.

5.8    Specific requirements for fasteners made of aluminium and aluminium alloys

Threads of bolts and studs shall be rolled. Regarding prevention of brittle fracture for materials of fasteners 5.6 of this standard applies.

NOTE 1 Other manufacturing techniques may be agreed by the parties involved. In this case, special considerations regarding the application and testing requirements may be necessary. Such requirements are not addressed by this standard.

NOTE 2 Materials other than aluminium and aluminium aloys may be used for bolting for piping constructions according to this European Standard. The designer should give special consideration to these different bolting materials.

5.9    Lined piping

Specific requirements for lined piping are not applicable for aluminium and aluminium alloys.

5.10    Clad products

Specific requirements for clad products are not applicable for aluminium and aluminium alloys.

5.11    Technical delivery conditions for welding consumables

The requirements of 4.3.5 of EN 13480-2:2002 shall apply.

6 Design

6.1    General

The requirements of EN 13480-3 shall apply with the following additions/exclusions.

6.2    Time-Independent nominal design stress

The design stresses for aluminium and aluminium alloys materials shall be in accordance with the Table 6.2-1.

Table 6.2-1 — Design stresses for aluminium and aluminium alloy material

Group according to Table 5.2-1

Design stresses at design condition

Design stresses at test condition



fxm ~ [Яр1,о.»/1051


/= min ([Лрол,/1.5) or (R»n.2o / 2.4])

- [ЯрО.2.20/ 1.05]


/= min ([/?ро.2д/ 1.5J or (Rjn.20 / 3))

/** = [Яро.2.2о/1.05]

Table 6.2-2 — Allowable design strength values for 6 000 series aluminium alloys in the welded

condition (see 5.6)

Material designation to EN 12392

Value of/for design temperature ("C) not exceeding






175 *

EN AW 6060







EN AW 6061







a For maximum design temperature see 5.6. Values for 125 'C (EN AW 6060) and 175 *C (EN AW 6061) shall be used for interpolation only.

NOTE Data are derived from EN 13445-8.

6.3    Straight pipes

In general, straight pipes shall be designed in accordance with 6.1 of EN 13480-3:2002.

For DJD\ > 1,2 Equation 6.3-1 may be used. In this case pipes shall be seamless or tested in accordance with

8.4.3    and 8.6 of this European Standard for z = 1,0 and the maximum allowable pressure pa shall be determined as follows:

For material group 21 R shall be used instead of

6.4    Pipe bends and elbows

The standard method for calculation of bends and elbows for aluminium and aluminium alloys shall be the method described in B.4.1.3 of EN 13480-3:2002, Annex B.

NOTH 1 This clause should not be understood as to prohibit the other methods given in EN 13480-3, but to reflect the actual situation at the bend manufacturers.

NOTE 2 Also see 6.2.3 and Annex B. Equation B4.1-11 of EN 13480-3:2002.

6.5    Mitre bends

6.3 of EN 13480-3:2002 may be used for the design of mitre bends for aluminium and aluminium alloys.

Alternatively the method described in Equations 6.5-1 to 6.5-4 may also be used for multiple mitre bends for aluminium and aluminium alloys according to Figure 6.5-1 with a maximum angle О of 22,5*. The pressure limit given in EN 13480-3:2002, 6.3.1 is not applicable for this method.

NOTE 1 Current experiences are available up to pressures of 63 bar for time independent design stresses, however this does not prohibit the calculation of mitre bends to the given equation for use of higher pressures, but shows the reference pressure for which mitre bends made of aluminium and aluminium alloys and designed to the rules are in safe operation.

NOTE 2 Source: FDBR Guideline, Design of power piping, July 1995

The following symbols apply for the alternative method in addition to those mentioned in Clause 3.